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Everything posted by northpaul

  1. I would say the general principle for takling obsessions/compulsions is the same for ''old'' and ''new'' themes. That is not engaging with the obsessions and not doing the compulsions (eg. checking something that you know is alright anyway). For me, the ability to do this is very closely linked to my mood (depression). I am currently experiencing a significant dip in mood and that has led to a major increase in my OCD behaviours. Knowing the theory is one thing but the ability to put the therapy in to action is for me is very much linked to my mood. Do you find that when your mood level is higher, the OCD behaviours are easier to tackle?
  2. Exactly. That was a key point that was made in another post today regarding the debate on reassurance. There is a time for everything. When someone is at a low point in their wider mental health struggles the last thing that they want to hear is ''we cant offer reassurance''. I have repeatedly said on these forums that OCD rarely stands alone in a person's mental health struggles. OCD is often comorbid with other mental health issues and compassion is often needed and given when you look at the wider picture.. Comments such as ''this is an OCD forum and we only give a standard OCD reply'' are not very helpful to someone who is really in a bad place in their wider mental health matters. Like I say - look at the wider picture.
  3. Hello and welcome to the forums. We are all unique, your thoughts, my thoughts and anyone else's thoughts are all different. Yes, there may be similarities in individual's thoughts and how we treat them. I live with OCD but to say my mental health issues are ''OCD Only'' would be a very narrow and misleading description of my mental health issues.
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