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Everything posted by frankie

  1. Try dating sites, lots of women I have spoken to on there are on anti depressants and have been through tough times mate , you never know
  2. OK first thing ......millions of people worldwide suffer and get better xx You must go down to your gp and tell him or her what you have said here .....why not take a copy of what you have written He or she may offer you a drug called an SSRI .....there are about five ones to choose from which have been shown to help and then may suggest you see a psychiatrist who will diagnose you and suggest a talking treatment called cognitive behavioural therapy.....waiting times vary Good luck , well done on admitting you have problems and make that gp appointment now , not next week , do it now
  3. Who prescribed 100mg and how long has he been on it ? There are other drugs they could add to boost the power of the prozac , although you need to to talk to your care team about that xx
  4. Well firstly he has an illness, and its very common If he is going through a very bad patch you have done the right thing in phoning his nurse Has she or he got back to you yet ? If they have not keep at them !!! Xx
  5. Always take your meds.....if you feel they ain't working , change them Don't abuse substances , eat well , exercise and avoind conflict and unnecessary stress We are like diabetics , or people with high blood pressure .......off is possible to manage , control and limit to a small area of your life but always has the potential to creep back in ......having a relapse isnt a failure , its normal , the horrible thoughts and actions will fade Just because ocd is chronic .....ie long term .....doesn't mean there are lots of things and people out there to help My psychiatrist says ocd will sometimes come back to have a go at me again but like all anxiety it waxes and wanes , it will eventually get bored and leave , like the annoying kid in class, he soon has nobody to bother Not all of you will agree and some may say off can be cured.....I don't think it can but it can be pushed to such a tiny corner of your life .......it doesn't matter Hope this helps Opinions welcome
  6. I take fluoxetine , prozac , at the high dose of 80mg , most doctors only go to 60 , mine has a limit of 80 Yes , it and the other anti psychotics can be taken on their own I myself was on olanzapine only for a few months , took away my anxiety but I put on a load of weight
  7. They apologised !! Called me in for a routine appt and bent over backwards to say they had made mistakes I don't think they will be messing me around again
  8. I hoard a lot but my new psychiatrist is very helpful after the last bumbling fool
  9. 0.5 seems to be helping with my overall anxiety I will be sticking with this Olanzapine just made me eat like a pig
  10. 100mg is a high dose but they tend to use high doses of at least 60 mg for ocd with fluoxetine I am on 80 mg and it seems to help Officially gps are only guided to a maximum of 60 but specialists often go a bit higher
  11. Whilst I have had some success with olanzapine , the weight gain is awful , it gives you a massive appetite , I am currently on a small dose of respiridone and doing OK apart from having a hopeless condition team
  12. Sertraline is like fluoxetine a first line treatment for anxiety disorders like ocd and a very good drug , helped me for many years
  13. I was doing really well up until about six months ago when my lovely indian consultant left for another post ......i first heard of it not from the cmht but by someone at my local mind centre grrrrrr anyway my new doctor saw me within about three weeks and immediately told me she wasnt a consultant and didnt know how long she would be there .....so much for continuity of care eh then she went on to argue with me that the low level of lithium my previous consultant was prescribing ....for anger issues ....would probably not be doing me any goosd so I should consider coming off it ....after about five minutes discussion I thought frankie trust this lady and agreed to a slow taper off the drug she said to me because of the serious power of lithium she would see me in six weeks when we could alos discuss my ocd .....I know I have it ...its of the hoarding and compulsive shopping form and was just getting round to being diagnosed when my previous consultant left anyway six weeks pass, ten weeks pass...no appointment .....so I wrote this doctor a letter saying I have taperedd myself off lithium myself and could we please meet up to discuss ocd ....I said I was on a good drug for it ...fluoxetine , had been to cbt therapy and rather than be a burden on the nhs and all the community nurses felt I could manage my condition with 6 monthly appointments with her or another psychiatrist I heard nothing , got increasingly anxious and one friday left a message on the mental health team ansaphone asking what was going on , could someome please assess me for ocd !! anyway on the monday I get a call from one of the nurses saying she had just read my letter ......a letter not meant for her and sent at at least four weeks previously ......anyway I agreed for her and one of her co workers to come to my flat and see the nature of my hoarding and compulsive shopping ......forty shower gels , loads of aftershave , eighty heavy rock t shirts , thirty cands of tuna etc and went om to explain that an expert on the subject dr fred penzel had written articles om ocd and this form of hoarding was very much a part of ocd ......the nurses kept interrupting me as I was showing them around the flat , which made me anxious and angry but eventually they agreed I had a problem and would make sure the psychiatrist would get the letter .......I said what do you mean it was meant for her and sent weeks ago , what the hell is going on ? as they left the younger cpn said she would cancel the lithium ...which was still arriving with my weekly fluoxetine ......and blow me down four weeks later lithium is still being delivered !! talk about incompetence !!!! so I have gone from being fairly stable in my mental health to unwell again .......the thing that made me laugh was one of the nurses at the end asked me what I wanted out of the team .....I said well you clearly have not read the letter that your co worker has in her hand as it outlines exactly what I feel I need , dear me what a hopeless bunch .......I am going to give it another couple of weeks and then I am going to go to my local mind centre and draft a letter .......who is my care co ordinator / who is my psychiatrist / what the hell is going on ..........its making me ill
  14. I have just realised that for years I have bought loads of jeans, cropped jeans, t shirts , tracksuit bottoms , tops etc most of which I don't wear !! They are all packed away in boxes in my room ......example.....if I see a t shirt online of a band I like I will buy the same design three times !! I think I will mention it to my doctor ?
  15. Only on 0.5 Is anyone else on this drug and at what dose do you feel it is effective along with CBT and my SSRI ? I see my doctor next week and hes most kind and open to suggestions Thank you
  16. What's the medication they have you on? Its a process of finding the right one for you and this can take time
  17. Oh and stress and anxiety can make ocd come and go , its perfectly OK
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