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I know I have a checking form of OCD.  Well that's only one aspect of it, but that's what I'll address now.  So, I go to the 

dr. and check, whatever the obsession of the day is, he told me its ok.  I can't seem to leave the office until I ask him

at least another two or three questions for reassurance.  Does anyone else do this.   


Also, I'm always feeling for things and when I think something is wrong I start to panic and want to go see my dr.  

Ok, i get that most of it is OCD related, and I'm just supposed to let the thought go, but then I think to myself, what if

something really is wrong, then what?  So I give in all the time.  I'm so upset and want this to end.  Am I the only one

who see's their dr. 2 or 3 times a week?

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No, you're far from the only person to exhibit this type of behavior.

What you need to realize is that going to the doctor for every little ache or worry is a compulsion. Compulsions don't work. You might get positive news from the doctor and that makes you feel better temporarily, but soon enough doubt and worry raise their ugly heads and you're back to square one again.

Resist going to the doctor. I know it's going to be hard but what you're doing right now is not working for you.

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I know what you mean - you don't want to not check because it would be like you're ignoring things that are important for your health etc. Well, just realise that it's the hypervigilance ITSELF that is unhealthy - a mentally unhealthy practice. You should stop it for the good of your health, even if if you do your OCD brain will be screaming at you that you're doing the wrong, unhealthy, reckless, stupid, crazy thing by not checking/seeking reassurance. But just don't listen to this (admittedly strong and persuasive!) part of your brain - it's a flat out lie. It really is:)

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Hmm well they say to start small. If, say, it'd be easier for you to not seek reassurance on a skin issue rather than, say, what you think is a heart issue or something, then face the skin issue fear first by not seeking reassurance for that one. Then when you realise that your brain had been lying to you and you never had to seek reassurance for that sort of skin issue in the past you'll start to realise that your brain might have been lying to you about needing to seek reassurance for the heart issue as well, and it'll be easier to not seek reassurance for that one. They suggest working your way up when it comes to facing your fears like this a.k.a. 'exposure'

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