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CBT and anticipating the triggers

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I am working on my obsessions and compulsions with ERP. I've gotten to the point where I am pretty disciplined about ignoring my thoughts whenever a trigger occurs. But I spend much of my time anticipating triggers. An example would be that if I had germaphobia, I would spend much of my time worrying about being in contact with germs, but once I am triggered, (say, by touching a doorknob or stepping in dirt), I ignore the thoughts and feelings and go about my business. How do I stop anticipating/worrying about being in a triggering situation? Will this worry go away on its own as I continue labeling and ignoring my obsessive thoughts?

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12 hours ago, 11emilygrace said:

I spend much of my time anticipating triggers

This anticipation you describe sounds like you're ruminating about your fears (a compulsion.)

Trick is to recognise it as soon as it starts. Label it as OCD, ignore the thoughts and get on with your business, exactly as you do when you've been triggered. :)

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