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Awful debilitating feelings

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Has anyone ever experienced the most awful debilitating feelings with their OCD. No matter what I go to do in life I feel incredibly stressed out, not even to do with OCD things. It is as though adrenaline is constantly pumping through my body. For example if I have to do something like order sonething from the internet, I have got to the point where I dread it so much because an avalanche of emotional feelings come flowing through my body and I don't know how to deal with them. They make me feel exhausted and I am getting really despondent as they are interfering with my OCD treatment. Every little simple daily task has turned into a horror for me and I now dread doing everything because of how doing things makes me feel.Any advice please😪?

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I don't know if this was what you were meaning, but when I'm in the throes of OCD and intrusive thinking, it gets exhausting to try to focus on much else and can make you feel so helpless and withdrawn. Like all that's on your mind is this disorder and trying to battle it which leaves no room for other tasks you may want to do. I tend to emotionally shut down because it gets too overwhelming. My advice is to take it one step at a time and keep telling yourself that your feelings do not control you, you control them. I know, easier said than done but it's a start. Also, try to slowly force yourself to do things, like your online shopping, and acknowledge how you're feeling but don't let it stop you from doing something you want to do. It will take practice but you can do this! I hope that helped somewhat. I wish you the best! 😊

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