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  1. Could you find something else that you love to help you? Another sentimental item? Keep it with you and instead think about this? I’m not very good at coming up with things to help stuff like this, as my ocd is the same and I never know waht to do, I usually just cry about it and then go hug somone in my family.
  2. Hi My ocd is problem with mess, everyday I spend about 1h sometimes more sometimes less, putting things in the places I need them, it’s a routine and usually it works but sometimes I get images and get really upset if these things are out of my control or I can’t do them, for example at the moment there’s a few things in the garden I’m not able to move, but I can’t stop thinking about them and worrying that there not where they should be. I get really upset and overwhelmed when I think about multiple things that are out of place and then suddenly I can’t stop and everything is out of place and I can’t close my eyes because I just see these horrible images of rubbish everywhere.
  3. Hi I would really like some help in how to cope with this problem, for over a year now I have this problem with mess, everyday I spend about 1h sometimes more sometimes less, putting things in the places I need them, it’s a routine and usually it works but sometimes I get images and get really upset if these things are out of my control or I can’t do them, for example at the moment there’s a few things in the garden I’m not able to move, but I can’t stop thinking about them and worrying that there not where they should be. I get really upset and overwhelmed when I think about multiple things that are out of place and then suddenly I can’t stop and everything is out of place and I can’t close my eyes because I just see these horrible images of rubbish everywhere, I thought it might just be a tidy habit, but at times I don’t want to do these routines but I have to. I do feel okay most days, getting on and finishing the routine without any problems but when it’s changed or messed up I get really upset and stressed, I don’t know why, I just feel if I don’t then something might happen to my mum. I don’t know why or where it comes from it just happens. I don’t know what to do when these like epsodes of stress happen and the images appear because it makes me feel so sick physically and so upset emotionally. The list of things that I add to my routine keeps getting longer too. i don’t really know What to do. Anyone have the same sort or problem and can talk to me? Im going to get help hopefully. roroyourboat
  4. I watch crime dramas! I love all of them. Line of duty is fav tho
  5. I’m 16, and in order to help me a bit I’ve taken up gardening and have got a veg patch !
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