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  1. @Summer9173@Ma29 Came across this thread and wanted to have a little input and just say hello and that IM HERE FOR YOU? OCD will take the most simplest of tasks, unexpectedly, and turn it into a compulsion/ritual that could last 20 minutes to ‘complete’. I say complete in inverted commas because its never really completed as next time you go to carry out that same task, your brain remembers what you did before and you have to do the same ritual with it. its a never ending cycle, sprung from even the most simplest of tasks. YOU ARE NOT A BAD PERSON. YOU DO NOT WANT TO BRING HARM TO ANYONE. ? OCD can have a massive massive massive hold over you! Like a massive dark storm cloud, but thats only thundering over your head. Its so loud and the thoughts are painful, and you dont want to be trapped under the cloud, and when the cloud finally moves on, you're left with all of the negative distressing hurtful thoughts the cloud left behind. and you start to believe them because thats all you heard. I’m very new to reaching out to people about my OCD, i’m still learning and trying to understand what it might take for me to start the healing process. But i just wanted to let you know that my inbox will always be open, (that goes out to anyone reading this thread) if you wanted to just speak about your day, good or bad. Burny x
  2. hello everyone involved in this topic thread? living with OCD, each day, is not bloody easy, its extremely hard and painfully draining, but we get through it! and i just wanted to remind you all, that you are so STRONG, even in your darkest moments, when compulsions are screaming evil at you, you are so strong! @Caramoolewhen i am in the middle of a compulsion, my mind tries to give ‘resisting it’ a go, and for a split second i allow it to happen, but then in the split second after doing so, i am completely overcome with an unfinished feeling and ultimate guilt. i feel ashamed that i was almost about to give up on the compulsion, the ritual. how could i contemplate giving up on making sure that my family member wont get acid thrown at them or die. i continue the ritual. i always do. i know i want to try resisting all my rituals more, i just honestly dont know how.
  3. Hello Belina, Its so so horrible to feel this way towards loved ones, or anyone for that matter. I once had a job boxing up cosmetics and I had to do a certain ritual when attaching the address label otherwise something seriously horrible would happen to the person on that label, someone that i had NEVER met before and will probally never ever meet. The thoughts were real and the compulsion/ritual was real. It had to be done otherwise the guilt was overwhelming that i had just caused someones death for not performing the ritual. Currently, i am still a sufferer with my OCD, so feel i have no solid advice to give you yet. BUT i want you to know that i am here for you, just a message away! Please reach out to me, even if its just to talk about your thoughts/rituals day by day, and we can discuss them together, and realise how STRONG we actually are!!! OCD IS THE HARDEST!
  4. hello just some dude, im sorry to hear you go through this, loosing time to our obsessions is hurtful and frustrating. I have to wake up an extra hour and a half early for work so that i can allow time for my rituals. Even then, some take longer than others and i can become stuck doing a ritual and then i start to run out of time and that adds to the horrible feeling of knowing i’ll be late for work, but knowing i have to complete the ritual otherwise something will happen to the family member that i have in mind. Its like my mind forces an ultimatum in the very moment i need my mind to just stop. Be late or be responsible for a bad thing happening. I obviously continue with the ritual. Think what im trying to say is that if you are able to acknowledge which ones you can control, go for it! Take that time and take it back! ?
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