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  1. Hi Nicole - I have OCD and I’m actually pregnant with my first child at the moment. In all honesty, it’s actually not been as hard as I thought it would be. I just take it day by day - that’s all you can do. If you do want to message me privately to chat through in more detail you are more than welcome to
  2. Hi @ocdgal1990. While i can’t necessarily relate to some of your post, what I will say is I’m also pregnant at the moment and pregnancy and OCD is really hard sometimes. Please just try to remember this and be kind to yourself, there are so many hormonal changes going on so it’s only natural that your OCD may flare up and become more tricky. Just try to remember to look after yourself and be kind during what’s already a hard time without OCD!
  3. I have checking OCD and always worry about things like leaving the oven on or the windows open or the front door unlocked. Normally I get my partner to check all these things before bed because I struggle to check things and believe they are safe without checking hundreds of times. My partner went away this weekend for the night and I managed, for the first night in 5 years, to check the whole house myself, trust in my checks and then get a good nights sleep!
  4. Thank you so much for the lovely words and advice Charley !
  5. Hi everyone! So I recently found out I am pregnant which has definitely come as a bit of a surprise but is something my partner and I both wanted. I feel a bit guilty at the moment because I’m struggling to feel excited about it because my OCD (and my main theme of ROCD) and anxiety have progressively been getting worse since I found out and some old themes I thought I had resolved are rearing their ugly heads. Is it logical that my OCD and anxiety are going to ramp up during pregnancy and does anyone have any experience of this and any tips or coping strategies? ROCD in particular is not a fun one when pregnant! Thanks all
  6. Hi Clicketyclack. ROCD is one of my main themes and safe to say, ive had thoughts like this a fair few times now! They also make me feel sick and anxious and they leave me questioning a lot. I find the best thing to do when they pop into my head is to try to pay them no attention and go off and do something else rather than read into them or do any kind of compulsions until they feel less intrusive. The fact that they make you feel sick and anxious would say to me that it’s most likely OCD at work and they don’t deserve any time or attention. I always remind myself when I get these thoughts that OCD loves to latch onto the things we care about and value the most (and in my case, one of these things is definitely my partner and our relationship)! I would also say that if you’ve just changed contraception, that is very likely to be affecting your hormones which could of course help to explain why you’ve had a flare up with your OCD.
  7. Hey, I have GAD and OCD but mainly OCD these days. From my experiences, I would say that even if the thoughts don’t feel like they’re causing compulsions, they may well still be OCD because the thoughts you’ve described get stuck, they’re persistent and they negatively impact you and how they make you feel and they come with feelings of guilt and shame. I would say that to me, these signs sound like classic signs of OCD thoughts and that maybe it’s just that your compulsions just aren’t necessarily obvious ones?
  8. Hi everyone, I’ve been a member of this forum for a little while now but haven’t posted much. Firstly I just want to say that knowing there’s so many people on this forum willing to offer support and advice and help is so comforting. I hope to be able to do the same with my experiences with OCD so far and support where I can. Secondly, I just wanted to say that after a good few months of struggling with compulsions relating to a particular theme, my OCD has come to a bit of a head and I now realise that unless I really start fighting my compulsions, I’m not really going to ever get better and I really can’t carry on like this. So, I’m ready to start fighting back. So, I guess what I’m looking for is if anyone has any advice on how to help sit through those compulsions, how I could look to cut these compulsions out and how I can try to stick out the journey of cutting these out, rather than fall after the first few hurdles and go back to my comfortable bubble of compulsions and rumination. Thanks
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