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Not Funny - Catherine Tate

Guest Richard-P

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I have just seen the sketch for the first time and, apart from the halfwit comment, I didn't think it was too bad. The 'did I leave the kettle on/no I haven't/yes I have' website comment did make me chuckle in all honesty. Never thought of myself as halfwit though . . . .

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Guest carmencarter

one thing that ought to be mentioned with regards to the sketch is that Catherine Tate plays a CHARACTER who herself is the subject of ridicule,and therefore is very different to a stand up comedian or someone acting themselves and ridiculing others. As the `charity fundraiser` the character in itself is totally ridiculous so maybe the laugh is more on those misinformed individuals that try to martyr themselves over a cause rather than the sufferers?Just a thought.

I think that it's a good point actually, I was thinking that she is actually playing a woman who wants to do good but is actually quite horrible, and I did laugh at the "yes I have/ no I haven't " bit because it's something I do.

I don't actually like what she does usually, only watched the show once ( in order to see this particular sketch) and I'd much rather watch Father Ted any time...but I wasn't offended.

She seems to take the mick out of every possible horrible situation, some people are quite good at that, on the whole she isn't.

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But the this is now the second epsiode of her show I have watched and so far not even raised a grin. If this is new comedy, I will stick with the old fashioned type, you know, comedy that makes you laugh.

Totally agree.

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I thought it was quite funny myself. The website name was anyway. I can sort of relate to doing things similar to that as well. Most people I know who don't have OCD found the website name funny, but not the rest of it. I don't mind this kind of humour though. There was something in Viz magazine that said "If they want to get rid of MRSA, why don't they just give all those people with OCD jobs on the NHS?", which I also thought was kind of amusing.

I actually was bit more disturbed by the male victims of domestic violence sketch. (although I do admit chuckling at the website name there as well: www.brayedbythemissus.co.uk or something) Even so it was in poor taste given that same week the documentry about male victims of domestic violence was aired on Channel 4.

I don't think anyone is meant to like the Fund Raiser character either considering she is allegedly based on Heather Mills...

I reckon Catherine Tate is getting bored of her own show to be honest.

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Guest musical_lottie

I saw half of the sketch (turned over just in time to catch it before it finished) and found what I saw to be ... well, a little offensive - halfwits, shake'n'vac - but mostly just stupid. And the bit at the end where the sprayed cleaning products on him - I didn't understand that at all. Usually I find some of her things (heh - usually - makes it sound as if I always watch it! I only very occasionally watch it) amusing, but most of it's either cringeworthy or just stupid.

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Guest musical_lottie

After having watched it on YouTube my conclusion is thus:

Behhh that was uncalled for (her sketch.) The website address did raise a smile from me but the rest of it went a bit higher than mildly offensive.

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Guest FobicFairy

Just for the record, I flew to Paris a few weeks ago, my OCD was so bad I had to fly back to the UK within 3 hours of arriving and try to claim on my insurance, all I got was £85 back, but I still laughed at the bit about flying home because the lid was left off the shake and vac.

I find OCD comical, it is horrible and mine is so severe I am very disabled by it and next year I may be having brain surgery, but I still find the things I do ridiculous. I know it isn't funny at the time, it's horrendous and can be mental agony, but then later, like a lot of disasters that happen in life I can laugh about it.

The OCD doll with face mask and wipes cracked me up as well, I want one.

Not keen on Catherine Tate, have seen much funnier shows, but I didn't mind her taking the mickey out of OCD because people who watch it know it's comedy and not a factual documentry, so I don't think there is any harm done. What would make me angry is a proper programme made about OCD that misled people or gave incorrect information about the disorder.

I don't care about what people think about my OCD, I clean the table in the pub when I go to the quiz, spray the bottom of my shoes with dettol in public, I am just weird and have to admit that noone has ever been mean to me about it, in fact sometimes people ask me what I am doing, or if I have OCD and rather than there being embaressment people just seem happy to be able to ask questions about it and offer some empathy.

If you are upset by Catherine Tate then by all means complain, we are all entitled to our opinions.

I will leave it at that, just one final comment.....am I bovered???!!!!


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Guest lauralee

I have to agree with you FF- sometimes my OCD is so absurd all I can do is laugh....

I like Catherine Tate (usually), but what surprises me is that in today's society it would be considered outrageous for a comic to make a joke about someone with a physical disability, or a physical medical condition that is life-threatening, but its still 'okay' to make jokes about mental health problems that are disabling or life-threatening.

I think this is because, even today, there is still such a huge lack of understanding of mental health problems, still so much 'stigma' attached to them by society, that they are still being dismissed by many as 'fake' problems that people can shake off if they just show a little back bone and stop whining.

Of course there are a growing number of people who know that this is not the case and the only way around this problem is to raise awareness and generate understanding (not only in the general public, but also within the medical profession).

I can laugh about OCD. I can't laugh about people with OCD- and isn't that what its all about; real people?


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I agree with you guys - sometimes you have to see the humour (although comments about 'half-wits' is just plain wrong on so many levels and Catherine Tate is so NOT funny... full stop).

My 'latest' game is to come home without my shoes (I fear contamination and if I step on something I don't like - or just imagine that I stepped on it even though it was miles away - then those shoes just ain't coming home with me).

My GF always bursts into laughter when I tip toe up the path in my socks and greets me with an "oh dear". We then have a giggle about my exploits in getting home barefoot. To be honest, if I didn't laugh, then I would be constantly on the point of tears!

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Sorry to bump this thread up again - but I just thought I'd let anyone who was interested know that I've received an e-mail about the complaint I raised. I've copied it in below along with my original complaint e-mail. Hope no-one minds me posting this, and also hope it shows that I haven't just complained about the OCD sketch in particular, but about those charity worker sketches as a whole.

{Programme Name:} The Catherine Tate Show

{Transmission Date:}09 - 11 - 06


I am writing to you to express my concern and anger at a sketch that


broadcast in this programme last night.

I found the sketch involving the character who raises money for charity

and then ridicules the sufferers very distasteful.

Last night, the sketch poked fun at sufferers of obsessive compulsive

disorder - something from which I have suffered from quite severely for

most of my life. I found the 'jokes' in the sketch (calling us

half-wits and making crude comments about us spending 14 hours day in

the bathroom washing the s**** off our hands etc) offensive in the


In previous weeks - in the same skit Ms Tate has also made fun of other

subjects such as domestic violence and abuse. I have also found these

to be distasteful and

upsetting too.

I consider myself to be someone who has a really good sense of humour -

Ms Tate is a superb actress and talented comedian, but this sketch, in

my opinion has gone too far. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a


mental health issue - sufferers go through extreme distress,

despression, anxiety and fear on a daily basis. The condition is

wrongly represented as being solely about compulsive

handwashing/checking - this is not the case, there are many other

aspects and facets of this illness which are just as serious and

misunderstood. I feel that the condition was ridiculed and that

sufferers were made out to be silly and stupid. I am an active member


the charity OCD-UK and am not the only member who felt strongly about

the content of the sketch.

I know that in comedy anything is fair game and anything goes, and

appreciate that. I am an aspiring comedy writer myself. However, I

feel that this skit has gone too far on three different occasions now

and wanted to make my feelings about it known. Generally OCD sufferers

are seen as an easy target and made out to be strange, weird, idiots -

this sketch has done nothing but reinforce this message.

I felt I had to put my point of view across as I am still angry about

this. I hope my views and comments will be noted.

Yours sincerely

And this is the reply I've had back today - I've starred out my surname for obvious reasons, lol

Dear Miss *****

This is an update to let you know that we are dealing with your recent

complaint but are waiting to clarify some points with other colleagues


the BBC before we reply more fully to you.

We will of course respond as soon as possible but trust you will


that the time taken can also depend on the nature and number of the


complaints we are currently investigating. The BBC also issues public

responses to issues which prompt large numbers of significant


and these can be read on our website at www.bbc.co.uk/complaints


We would like to reassure you that your complaint has already been


and circulated in our daily report to BBC managers. We would therefore


grateful if you would not reply to this email and, in the meantime,


like to thank you for contacting the BBC with details of your concerns.

Yours sincerely,

Katherine Tsang

BBC Information

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Guest Brainstrain

I saw the trailer too and felt quite offended by it as if it was making our illness seem something trivial and something to laugh at.

I then actually was at someone's house and couldn't get out of watching another episode where she was taking the mickey out of battered husbands and mentioned the website www.chinnedby the missus.com which again I thought was really irresponsible as many sufferers are already too ashamed to come forward this may just make things worse.

Brainstrain :wontlisten:

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Guest ChattyCathy

after seeing the sketch i understand why many are upset!!! it is absolutly disgusting how she makes jokes about it in that way.!!!!!

and the audience laughing as if it so funny. i can make better jokes than that! and i am not that great at them.

than she says it as if ocders are dirty. when she said that those with ocd spend 14 hours a day washing the ***** of their hands! i mean those with ocd arent more dirty!! we are more clean!

it makes me sick

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Finally saw the sketch yesterday. I just didn't think it was in the least bit funny. I wasn't offended by it, but I just find Catherine Tate's success baffling. I like Nan, and the bloke who says How very dare you, and that's it! I find her work very derivative, and really just not very funny at all.

I don't find that sketch particularly offensive, because if anything it just makes that fund-raising character seem like a complete idiot, but I do feel offended that the programme is so successful when in my opinion it is mostly bland and copied from other, better artists.

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Just an update on this, I have a telephone appointment with the head of entertainment at the BBC later today and will be inviting him to comment on the sketch and half wits comment for the newsletter. I feel it is only fair to allow them the opportunity to respond.

In the meantime, I need someone to listen to the sketch again and provide a written transcript in word or notepad, is there anyone with a hour spare who could do that for us please?


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Just write down what she say's?.

I am awaiting my Reply from the BBC, I thought the Alcoholic joke was bad also after seeing a Programme on Alcoholics last night.

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Just write down what she say's?.

yes please, it is a long and boring job, but I want the sketch word for word written down for the newsletter and our members who did not see it or have net access.

So if you or anyone else as time on their hands and can go to the utube link above to do it. Maybe two people, one person to do it, then a second to check what the first person does.

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(Probably some Mistakes, if anyone wants to check and Correct?). Ian

Whether your a Mother or whether your a Brother, your

staying alive, staying alive, feel the City Breaking

and everybody shaking, and were staying alive, staying alive.

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, staying alive, staying alive. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Staying Alive.

Mornin Martin

Mornin Georgie

How was your weekend Pet?

It was lovely thank you, we took Michaela to see the

new Disney Film.

Did her Asthma make it a dismal night for all


Er no that's cleared up now

Oh I'm delighted for you, that's champion News, cos

there's nothing worse than trying to concentrate on a

Film and having the Person next to you selfishly

gasping for air.

Can I borrow your nice stainless Steel Pencil


erm sure yeah.

I'll tell you what it is. Me and some of the other

Girls down at the Tyne and Wear Coral Society are

doing a sponsored sing-a-phon.

Oh Right, another Fundraiser?.

We're singing the Hit's of Andrew Lloyd Weber, past

and Present 24 hours a day for the next fortnight.

For all the little folk in the North East area who

Suffer with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

I've never met anyone with Obsessive Compulsive


That's because there locked in the Bathroom 14 Hours a

day, washing the ***** off their hands.


If you don't believe me log onto the website


What shall I put you down for?.

Erm er well 3 Pounds a week

6 Pounds?, 6 Pounds to sing I doesny know how to Love

Him, on a continual Loop for a Fortnight?.

Erm all right £3.50 a week

7 Pounds I don't think you've quite grasped the gravity

of the Situation Martin. Did you know every 38

Minutes, one of those poor little Half-wits whose

flown off on a Holiday of a Lifetime, touches down and

then has to fly straight home again, cos he's got a

niggling feeling he's left the Top off the Shake n


7 Pounds is all I can afford.

7 Pounds it is then Pet.

I've had an expensive Month Georgie.

Let's say no more about it because I wouldn't want it

to come between us pet.

Best of Luck with the Sing-a-Phon

Martin Sings

The Germs Martin!, the Germs!, the Germs!

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Guest ellie1962

hi to everyone i havent been on the site for a while so i hope everyone is as ok as poss,ive read a lot of peoples comments both about the doll&the catherine tate show&as much as both upsets me it seems that now the comedians etc cant make jokes&sketches,(which is great), towards the black community and gay community it seems that their only option now is to take a cheap shot at both people with mental illnesses&disabilities. As ive mentioned before on here my daughter has Aspergers Syndrome and after her suffering physical&mental bullying, (and me trying to cope with my ocd) nothing was ever done about it, we moved but it sadly went on at college also , shes now at uni ∧ they are brilliant, the point im trying so inadequately to make is that were still behind the times were treating people with mental illnesses/disabilities,in such a rough shod way is still rife. I think films like as good as it gets dont do much to help either. I also think job/driving applications forms are quite daunting and seem to penalise you for having a mental illness too, although i do understand companies have to be careful whom they employ but i think they go a bit too far these days. take care all lilac.

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Guest raindancing
I wasnt going to add to this thread further as i felt it was going round in circles,but I think one thing that ought to be mentioned with regards to the sketch is that Catherine Tate plays a CHARACTER who herself is the subject of ridicule,and therefore is very different to a stand up comedian or someone acting themselves and ridiculing others. As the `charity fundraiser` the character in itself is totally ridiculous so maybe the laugh is more on those misinformed individuals that try to martyr themselves over a cause rather than the sufferers?Just a thought.

I agree with this point...

And I have to say that I love Catherine Tate, her 'Nan' character kills me every time.

I found the sketch funny actually, because I do laugh at my own OCD at times. As someone else said, this is in hindsight but still, I can't take myself seriously all the time, I have dreadful depression too and so if I can laugh at 'me' at OCD then it's a good thing cos it's not got me so as I can't even laugh at the silly things I do because of it at times.

That said....hmmmm....half wit......ok I laughed, it was mildly offensive but it's just a bit of fun in my opinion. I'm gay and laugh at gay jokes........

OCD itself isn't funny, mental illness as an thing is not funny - but a little light hearted comedy, a cheeky nudge, a look on the lighter side, aleiviation through laughing at ourselves??

I don't think it did a public disservice since nobody would look to Catherine Tate as an authority on OCD anymore than they would look at the nurse character and think she represents NHS staff.

I fully support those who were offended's right to complain - if it upset you, complain, that is the best thing to do, just that it did not offend me although I can see why it did others.

Just my thoughts.

'Chelle x

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I got this Reply from the BBC.

Dear Mr ******

Thank you for your e-mail of 10 November regarding 'The Catherine Tate

Show' on BBC TWO. I apologise for the subsequent delay in our reply.


know our correspondents appreciate a quick response, and it is a matter


regret to us that you have had to wait for so long on this occasion.

I was sorry to learn you were offended by a sketch in the programme on



The BBC is concerned if our programmes offend people and we never set


to cause offence, but personal definitions of what is or is not


differ widely. The BBC has a responsibility to broadcast programmes


appeal to all sections of our audience. Comedy, drama and the arts will

sometimes seek to question existing assumptions about taste. Where

circumstances justify we may seek to challenge the audience's


in surprising and innovative ways. Our programme makers are expected to


aware of and respect the audience's diverse views on what causes


Accordingly, please be assured your comments have been registered on


daily audience log, an internal document available to everyone involved


the programme as well as senior management. The BBC always welcomes


feedback, as it helps us to make decisions about future programmes or


Thank you again for contacting the BBC.


Jo Bower

BBC Information

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