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Hi Battlethrough, 

A chef - sounds interesting - I would love to be a decent cook. I can imagine it is a stressful job having seen lots of cookery programmes on TV. Maybe you could pass on some cooking tips to me? We are always wondering what to cook for our evening meal and how to get our 5 yr old son to eat a decent healthy and tasty variety of things. 

On a more serious note, 60 hrs a week is a lot, its important to try and get some respite away from work. 

I currently do warehouse work, it is less pressure than some of my previous roles I have done more 'highbrow' work in more corporate environments, with stressful daily deadlines and having to juggle loads of things at once. When my OCD was at its worst I really struggled. In the end I disliked my job so much due to the people I had to deal with, they were often aggressive and unpleasant on the phone and via email etc. 

Part of the reason for my Job change  to warehouse work came as a result of moving to a different part of the country and my industry didn't really exist in a the town I now live. A much smaller place than the big city I used to live in. 

Job related stress is a big factor, and added to OCD can really be not nice at all. You spend a lot of time at work so if you can not mind it then I suppose that's a bonus. My job is quite physical at times and not that interesting either. I see it as helping keep a roof over my families heads. 

You need to consider that OCD will follow you around so while it may help with the job pressure it won't solve your issues. That needs CBT. 


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