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Everything posted by Hdigtts

  1. That’s true Giuss, it may not happen but if it does we know what it is
  2. It’s all about taking that leap and believing it is OCd. You know it is deep down but part of you isn’t quite trusting that yet. I hear people say all the time their kids are handsome, pretty etc. I am sure they do not worry like we do. My kids are a bit younger than yours so I am sure I have all this to come. But we have to trust it is OCD.
  3. But that feeling that you think it might be true is the OCD. A lot of us can relate to you.
  4. I think the fact you have recognised this should give you a great sense of satisfaction. You know it’s your OCD playing tricks on you. It is normal to think those things, our problem is we then obsess and attach too greater meaning to them. You are clearly an amazing mum so take pride in that
  5. It is normal to have those worries. I was similar when we had our kids. At times it does make it difficult but you have developed skills and understanding from your therapy that you can use regardless of the theme it takes at the time. You’ll be surprised how resilient you are and how you are with your children. Please don’t let this stop you!
  6. Don’t be scared. You’ll find great support here.
  7. It’s always worth trying another k e if it’s not working for you. There are a few great options out there
  8. That is a superb response. Thank you . I will keep reading that to process it all
  9. Surely we don’t choose the intrusive thoughts though do we?
  10. Hi Jayne, I feel for you here. It’s such a spiral of events that led to where you are now. But I do think the fact you are aware of it should give you a lift. There is nothing wrong with curling into a ball and holding away for a short time. Don’t judge yourself for that. But also be proud that you got through it and came out the other side. Ready to tackle the next day
  11. Totally get that. Have you tried looking around the bacp website?
  12. I went back to do an access course which led me to do my teacher training course. Difficult suffering with POcD but so glad I gave it a go. You’ll love it! What will you be studying?
  13. It will, you need to keep at it. You’ve got this!
  14. Similar here, some days turn into weeks and months where it feels okay. Then out of knowhere it hits you again. I’d say mine has been bad for maybe 18 years so a bit short of you. Not that this is a competition
  15. Just because something has been going on a long time doesn’t make it true. At least I hope not because I have had the same themes as you for getting on for a similar length of time
  16. Getting to that point is difficult. I don’t think you ever really reach a point where it clicks. It’s more just each day you trust yourself a little more. Don’t be too harsh on yourself for not having that eureka moment yet. It’ll come
  17. Hi Gingham, that must be a horrible feeling. Sometimes people are just busy, they may appreciate you reaching out though. Hope you can turn it around soon.
  18. There’s no mistake here originally. Just OCD
  19. Hope you are okay Cora. I’ve just noticed it won’t let me message you anymore.
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