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Xenia the Thundercat

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    Living with OCD

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  1. sorry to terrify, my main point is it's normal to have incest and paedo impulses, most people don't even notice them and your best bet for mow is see them as unimportant, don't block them, don't indulge them, let them gradually weaken, stay occupied, let them fade into irrelevance. and remember they're not that weird at all.
  2. the only reason it feels like something you 'should' confess is that it could potentially be misunderstood and disapproved of. that is, any potential disapproval would be based on misunderstanding! so this is your ocd systematically bringing up guilt trips and urges to confess that are both unnecessary and harmful. systematically. if you feed this habit, it will grow stronger and you'll be finding ways to spread fear and confusion left, right and center and thats what nazi spies did. so don't be a nazi and ignore the ocd. failing that, tie the confession ocd up with piano wire and pull its fingernails out until it confesses to being confession ocd. which it is. oh and you need to learn to trust your own judgement that it was a harmless joke rathervthan depending on reassurance. other people can be terrible moral judges of acts because they lack insight into the particulars and motivations and subtexts and ****. theres a whole subreddit, which i will not name, where idiot commenters cast moral judgement on guilt ridden posters asking whether its them who is the *******. lol. why does the subreddit not work? because people just aren't that good at judging acts they didn't witness in contexts they dont understand from peoplecwho could be exagerrating or downplaying their own virtue depending on whether they lean in the narcy sycho direction or the nerotif dir
  3. inthink just try to gently direct your attention to the road when you see the worry creeping in... remember excessive worrying isn't healthy and most people wouldn't do this... also remember not to live beyond your means lol, the shiny isn't worth th3 stress.
  4. finding it suckening doesn't make it less arousing. a sensation can produce all sorts of other sensations and emotions, which exist at the same time and run up against each other. the best thing is to accept the chaos, not make this any more conscious than they need to be -- consider it semi random noose and it will eventually be replaced. keep occupied and entertained and the unwanted stuff cant compete
  5. it's normal to have some weird sexual impulses from time to time. most people probably block them before they even become conscious. the more significance you give it, the more you test yourself, the more it will grow.
  6. perhaps. anxiety is sometimes conceptualized as uncertainty, or distribution of libido across multiple options. i think affect and emotion is poorly understood... there are different models and constructs.
  7. basic advice includes not pandering to compulsions, not ruminating, staying occopied, not spending too much time alone and indoors where ocd can grow more easily, having a healthy lifestyle
  8. just accept whatever sensations come up. they aren't you, they aren't not you, you're just a big bunch of sensations and 5hese are a tiny part. self is illusion. just see them for the miniscule detail they are and r3cognize that the only reason they keep popping up is that you're so distressed by them. really it's fine, it's just different clumps of your cognitive machinery trying some different ways of perceiving, feeling etc. and bouncing ideas off each other. neither indulge in nor harshly suppress these things... just let them come and go.
  9. humans are ambivalent about everything. the mind is multifaceted and decentralized. thoughts and memories pop up chaptically, producing pleasure and naughty feelings. this is normal.
  10. the way i see it lots of threads get neglected due to taboos, a culture of prioritizing harm avoidance over help maximizing, and a million other social anxieties... i can't bear non congronting problems like i do in my life so i just post.
  11. That sounds awful, at least he's getting access to support though, so hopefully if you just sit tight and try to be supportive where possible, you dad and your mum can handle your brother's problem and all of this will pass. Where you're unable to help or move away, try and just notice the suffering around and within you, notice it arising and passing, and notice that it isn't you. This is a way to practice mindfulness. I think it's important that you communicate with both your parents to make sure they know how it's affecting you and that this can't be a permanent situation... but i guess they can see that. remember these things will be okay for you in the end. schizophrenia is manageable and taken seriously so he should get plenty of support.
  12. yeah this is an ocd forum where people are on statistical mean too conscinetious ie moral so i'm trying to therapeutically downregulate morality.
  13. Attackers usually expect to win. So siding with the defense usually strengthens the losing side, prolonging the war and thus increasing the death and destruction. Also, you're not obligated to get involved in distant second world **** holes. Your duty is to bea stable father to your kids. You are more effective doing that.
  14. Yes. And that's sort of healthy I think. Of course you shouldn't grieve for the past too long. But if you don't, you either don't value your time or take life seriously -- or else you're stuffing it down. I think it needs processing.
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