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Hi all just struggling doctor has prescribed me fluoxetine and I know it might help but this wad three days ago and my minds going nuts like what if it bad for you make you suicidal and you hurt yourself takes away anything good I know it could work and I know it's all in my head but can't get myself to take them to see if they help 

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If the Doctor has presribed them then follow their advice.

I have previously been on it and it does take some time befroe you see any positive effects.  That could be 2-4 weeks.  I found that the positive effects did help.  Some side effects may occur but equally they may not.

Take a look at this NHS information: https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/fluoxetine-prozac/

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Hi Maggers

I have been on Fluoxetine. No problem going on it and going off it. No side effects. It was the first SSRI. The brand name is Prozac. It is now a generic medicine, so if prescribed by NHS so you won’t get the brand, Prozac, as  it is more expensive. Interestingly, the website northpaul recommends has OCD UK as an organisation for further information.

I think it is the first recommended SSRI for children, if they are prescribed a SSRI.

When it was first introduced there was a lot of media attention and books published such as Prozac Nation. In Hollywood films such as Fatal Attraction it was portrayed as a ‘happy pill’. It is not, as it takes time to build up in your body.

As with all medicines its effects vary. Trial and error plays a role. I would try it and see.  I would also recommend the Mind site, if you put into your search engine, Mind SSRIs. Mind was very intrumental in promoting the Yellow Card scheme for indicating any side effects of psychiatric medication. 
I think it’s pretty safe.

Edited by Angst
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There should be a Patient Information Leaflet in the medication packet. This should indicate if there is any specific advice for people working on safety critical jobs or driving.

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Takes 8 to 12 weeks & anxiety rises like crazy for a few weeks. Search for topics.

If you want quicker results do not double dose, it'll do the opposite.  Try exercising, it has pretty much the same effect, only sooner. 

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@maggers hi I’d also recommend taking a few days off if you can and if you can start on a Friday. I struggled with the side effects a lot. Posted on here but I will say that a) everyone’s different and you might be fine but if they are bad it does pass and for me was so worth it. I got the break I was so desperate for. I wanted to give up after day 2 but things had got so bad that I had to persevere and now a couple of months later I feel so much better. Good luck x

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