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Everything posted by Lifewillbegood

  1. Hi Cora I am sorry that you continue to suffer! Hope you are taking your meds regularly! When is the next follow up? I recall you are at a low dose of SSRI.
  2. Hi Taurean i am really sorry that you are struggling so much the last some weeks. I know you are really looking to help yourself through different therapeutic methods including seeking input from others here. I do wonder if you have considered visiting your doctor (preferably a psychiatrist) about your current state. Not sure your situation with medication but maybe it’s an option to consider to all the work you are doing in parallel
  3. Hi Cora i am really sorry that you are suffering so much! I have followed your posts for a while now and occasionally commented. I will strongly encourage you to meet with your doctor and discuss your condition. Hopefully you will get referrals to a psychiatrist. I hope you give meds a proper chance. I have been said similar stuff for 2/3 months now. Please give doctors a chance to help you. also follow up on your therapy opportunity
  4. Are you taking the meds after consulting with your doctors? Normally SSRI doses are high but generally you should gradually build up.
  5. Hi Cora You really need to see your GP. They will tell you which med to take and how to titrate up. You can tell them you have Sertraline 100mg with you. @snowbear has explained in detail why you should see your doctor without any hesitation. You owe it to yourself to see the doc. Hopefully they will also refer you to a specialist (psychiatrist). Keep in mind meds do provide relief. Good luck and best wishes!
  6. Hi Cora I am really sorry that you have been struggling so much. Please see a doctor and get back on your meds ( I recall you had stopped them). Meds take time and trials but will help calm things down for you. Then the advice being offered may make sense. Best wishes
  7. Good plan to keep doing this regularly and also adding ordering fresh food. Hope you are continuing to repeat other exposures. the author of brain trust mentions that doing exposures w/o compulsions will start the rewriting of brain in a few weeks and make future exposures less scary. Keep up the great progress.
  8. As a caregiver for an OCD suffer, I have found doing a big exposure early does result in a strong back fire from OCD. it seems solution is to repeat exposure multiple times for scary thoughts to subside
  9. Great job!! Keep it up. I wonder if you plan to repeat your recent exposures multiple times so that habituation happens
  10. I am really sorry you are suffering so much! I strongly suggest calling your doctor. Exposures Therapy will help but I believe getting meds will help to stabile your condition
  11. Are you trying any of the ideas given above. Since this has been going on a a long time, I suspect it may take several weeks to reduce the feeling/urge. Good luck on this one!
  12. I think your psychologist has offered good advice. Maybe starting with small adjustment maybe a smaller exposure. I also think it might take several weeks to see benefits from this exposure. This is accounting for you doing this compulsion for a long time.
  13. I am thinking adjusting 1-2mm either side should not cause physical discomfort. I am wondering if your physical symptoms are caused by increased anxiety.
  14. I was thinking every time you drive, change the seat setting once…forward/back/high/low. Maybe try this for several weeks to see if the related thought/anxiety subsides
  15. I wonder if you intentionally change seat location every time you drive. Since this seems to be deep may take several weeks of discomfort to get used to it. Maybe initially go for short drives (may not be possible)
  16. Hi Cora I feel you have been struggling for a while now. I recall you were going to have a medication review with your doc. Did that happen? Sometimes meds can provide relief that helps with logical thinking and provides ability to implement CBT lessons.
  17. Hi NLL Can you elaborate on the positive things you did today. This could be things on the plan that went well (even for few hours, minutes) and other things also. Feel free to describe in detail. I do believe this will also provide motivation/inspiration to other readers
  18. Great job with the plan NLL. As other posters have said… there is no such thing as failure you have many many supporters cheering you on!! IMHO…keep a daily victory register. You can also refer back to it when feeling down. Maybe you can post it here for inspiration to other members
  19. Hi Marko just checking in to see how you are doing!
  20. Great job! keep it up. If legs are getting too sore, maybe stick to 6mun for a few days and then move up. Also dose sitting outside (if weather is nice) help with mood? I wonder if someone on this charity can help with your medical case ( I am in US so don’t know how to get an advocate).
  21. The thread seems to have gone off topic! On a positive front it seems less posts from NLL. I assume this is in continuation of yesterday where NLL had a positive day. Do share your positive stories also!
  22. This is very good! Keep up up the determined effort! You may also consider additional positive actions that don't require physical exertion...online classes, organizing mail etc. This will be in addition to already started activities.
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