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About Dandelion

  • Birthday 11/08/1968

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  • OCD Status

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  1. Hi How are you all? It's been a while since I have been on here. Fast forward a few years on from this post and my ex finally admitted he left me for her and it had nothing to do with my OCD. He married her the same year he left me. I managed to get myself a life again but one day (a couple of years after we split up) my ex asked to meet me because he was having problems in their relationship. He had left her but went back to her the next day. I stupidly met him and that meeting sent me spiralling downhill to the worse place I have ever been and cost me to lose everything I loved and these things are things I can never get back. I ended up on a few acute wards which are hell. If I told you everything that I have lost, and am still losing, you would be gobsmacked.
  2. I know what you are saying. I do not do that, but I do doubt whether I touched something or whether I have cleaned that bit of something or washed my hands and that results in me doing the ritual again and again.
  3. I know precisely where you are coming from. My contamination is around something else and if I feel like my hands are not clean enough then I am the same as you and if I touch something else I then clean that and it goes on and on. I am not sure where the line is to stop the cleaning, as in not sure if it is necessary or not. It is all OCD but it plays mind tricks but it is OCD. I feel for you but I personally would not clean the shelf but I know how hard it is not to do that.
  4. Hi I too have contamination OCD but I can assure you that as the chicken was in the packaging it will all be fine. I have put chicken in the fridge in the past in packaging near other food stuff and it is fine. There is no need to wash the fridge handle or anything honestly as the raw chicken did not touch your hands. I hope this helps.
  5. I would say the same as your psychologist. I have an anxiety feeling as my husband left me and its a horrid feeling.
  6. i had that in 2006 and it was helpful! I still have OCD but not as bad as back then
  7. When he left he moved in with an ex girlfriend claiming nothing is going on ... just a place to stay till he can get housed ... and today my son tells me that my husband is sleeping on an air bed in HER room and he still claims nothing is going on .... I know I have issues with my mental health but surely it sounds like something is going on !! ??
  8. Hi, sorry to hear about your panic attacks. I too can get them out of the blue. I have had inpatient treatment and to put your mind at rest hopefully even though they are terribly horrible a panic attack will not kill you. I know when you are going through a panic attack logic goes out the window. I try and take deep breaths to calm myself and I have also bought some Rescue Remedy which is natural but before taking anything it is best to check with your pharmacist or doctor. I hope this helps.
  9. Thank you Ashley for passing on message to Butterfly. Appreciated. By the way, I met you many years ago on an organised trip but I cannot remember the name of the place ... I just remember there was not good phone signals around the area and fields and we all met in a pub .... but I guess there have been many trips like that. It was over 7 years ago though I know that for sure. It was a three or two day trip but I only lasted one night cos of OCD!
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