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Status Replies posted by gingerbreadgirl

  1. Major major relapse :( out of the blue 'what if XYZ happened years ago?' and of course I start going over and over it...

  2. It's not so bad, my dear little friend Think of it as a begining and not an end - You will be with Mum again and Bonzo and Silver and there will be new friends - Victor and Brandy and Bonzo 1 - Sooty and Holly, Sophie and Eevie, the first black one. There will be Nan and grandads two, mum will make sure they are waiting for you - I cry not for where you go but that I cannot come, be brave my friend, my little one and say hello to Mum.

  3. Major major relapse :( out of the blue 'what if XYZ happened years ago?' and of course I start going over and over it...

  4. Major major relapse :( out of the blue 'what if XYZ happened years ago?' and of course I start going over and over it...

  5. Major major relapse :( out of the blue 'what if XYZ happened years ago?' and of course I start going over and over it...

  6. Major major relapse :( out of the blue 'what if XYZ happened years ago?' and of course I start going over and over it...

  7. Major major relapse :( out of the blue 'what if XYZ happened years ago?' and of course I start going over and over it...

  8. Major major relapse :( out of the blue 'what if XYZ happened years ago?' and of course I start going over and over it...

  9. Major major relapse :( out of the blue 'what if XYZ happened years ago?' and of course I start going over and over it...

  10. Carried out some major ERP - no gain without pain!

  11. had a supremely awful day at work :( onwards and upwards eh.

  12. Wearing in 2 new pairs of shoes is tough. But the result will be great.Rather like ERP!!

  13. The kittens are trying to hunt the wind

  14. I can't believe I am writing an article that partially defends Linden... still, a broken clock is right twice a day I suppose.

  15. I can't believe I am writing an article that partially defends Linden... still, a broken clock is right twice a day I suppose.

  16. Don't watch the Danish girl without a big box of tissues and some chocolate for after to soothe the pain.

  17. Awaiting another plumbing team! So watching the birds feeding from the french windows - nice and relaxing, seen a pair of

  18. I love clothes that don't need ironed :-)

  19. I love clothes that don't need ironed :-)

  20. Pay the positive thoughts the attention you give to the negative ones - they don't deserve it.

  21. has anyone seen PB recently...?

  22. Lovely to feel that Spring has arrived

  23. just ate an entire chocolate orange... and i'm not sorry about it! :)

  24. just ate an entire chocolate orange... and i'm not sorry about it! :)

  25. just ate an entire chocolate orange... and i'm not sorry about it! :)

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